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Arve Henriksen /Avant-Garde/

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22.08.2006, 23:49   # 1
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Arve Henriksen is a trumpeter whose name will be familiar to anybody listening to the new music flowing out from Norway over the past decade or so. Chiaroscuro is Henriksen's first outing as leader since his debut in 2001.

As well as being a remarkably experimental trumpet stylist (in concert it sometimes seems impossible that the shakuhachi, flute and saxophone sounds are actually created by the trumpet he is playing),* Henriksen sings with an angelic, falsetto voice. On Chiaroscuro he's provided with sympathetic support from Jan Bang on samples and Audun Kleive on percussion.

To borrow from Robert Schumann's definition of beauty; Arve Henriksen's music effects a union of both the contemplation of nature and the expression of unmediated feeling. It seems that Henriksen is wringing his soul out to find the notes that he plays and sings. He expresses emotion in the same intensely heightened, verging on hallucinatory, way that the Fauves used colour. Chiaroscuro as a title is well chosen, for each of these tracks does represent a shade between light and darkness. The focus upon both of these aspects, rather than only upon one or the other, results in a profound and singularly moving statement.

Artist.........: Arve Henriksen
Album..........: Chiaroscuro
Year...........: 2004
Genre..........: Avant-Garde, Minimalist Music
Bitrate........: 231kbit (VBR)
Size...........: 61MB

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